Sunday, March 31, 2019

The Winter Threats

Pressure, the effect was terrifying.

Having a great dream is not enough to stand firm, apparently.

Even some great dreams are not enough.

That is, a recent knowledge learned by Veronica.


Few days ago, she was joyful.



After five years mourning period, she finally found the courage to dream big. To think big. To step big.

Not only dreams. A clear vision board was laid. Next big plans were written. Ready to be elaborated. Waiting to be explored.

And yet, the devastating evil winter comes. Out of the super bright summer sunshine.

Erasing all hopes. Destroying all desires.


Indeed, God will test wheter somebody dream something big for real.


"You must wake up. None of your dreams will come true if you keep sleeping," say a soft voice inside her head.

"Come on dear, lay out your great plans. Let's give some details. Let's talk about it," the voice add.

She was quiet. Hugging her pillow. Unable to move. Unwilling to move.

"Does anyone in this planet, ever have the force to refuse winter, Dear?" the voice soften. Veronica start to open her eyes.

"Don't you think that every dreamer has it own threats?"

"Come on, seat with me. We'll see what the winter did to you. We'll try to figure out a way to mend it. You'll be fine. You'll always be great, my Veronica."

"Let's lay out the great plans once again. Find the destructed spot, and replace it with greater and more solid plan. No winter will ever get through it, ever again. How about that?" offer the soft voice. Veronica start to smile, she nods.

She start shining, although not as bright. But she'll be fine. She'll be great.

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